Summer Peaches LLC Policy

Summer Peaches LLC respects and protects the privacy of individuals from all official websites and user communities that are related to Summer Peaches LLC. 

This Summer Peaches LLC Privacy Policy provides: without obtaining your prior consent, we will not intentionally disclose any contents that relates to your personal privacy to any third party unless otherwise stipulated herein.

Summer Peaches LLCs application never collect or store users any personal data anywhere or anyhow.

1. What Information Will We Collect?

The Data safety section on Google Play is a simple way for you to help people understand what user data your app collects or shares, as well as showcase your app’s key privacy and security practices.

This information helps users make more informed choices when deciding which apps to install.

a. We do not Collect Personal Information. Personal Information includes your geographical location information, name, address, email, telephone number, fax number, the information you stored on your device, and the information to identify you or other individuals when you use applications, services or websites.

b. Non-Personal Information. When users interact with our application, we may collect non-personal-identity information associated with the user. Non-personal-identity information may include your phone’s model, version of Android and other similar information.

1-A as Session and Available Data - "Session and Available Data" refers to data information relevant to connections and services that you provide to us when you use an application, service or website, including but not limited to, when you use our applications, services or websites. Session and Available Data includes information related to connection request, server communication and data sharing, including network testing, quality of service, date, time, and place / location. Gathering of information as described below, we may also gather Session and Available Data. Please note that Session and Available Data does not include any personal information, nor does it include any content that you might use applications (such as photo, contact, calendar, etc.), services, or website to send or share.

1-B as Login Data - When you interact with us, or use applications, services or our website, our system may automatically collect your unique user device serial number, IP address, the type of your browser or operating system, and the date and time that you use (the "Login Data").

1-C as Sensitive Information - We ask that you not send us, and you not to disclose, any sensitive Personal Information (e.g., information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, sexual orientation, criminal background or membership in past organizations, including trade union memberships) on or through an Application, the Services or the Site or otherwise to us.

2. How We Use Collected Information?

2-A as Personal Information – Since we do not collect Personal Information, we will not use your Personal Information in any way.

2-B as Non-Personal Information. We may use Non-Personal Information for the following purposes:

(1) For Personalized User Experience – We may use your Non-Personal Information to understand your user characteristics, and other trends related to user’s habits;

(2) To Help Improve Our Service – We may use Non-Personal Information to provide, maintain, enhance and improve our applications, services and websites, and the development of new services.

(3) For the Further Development of 

Summer Peaches LLC – We might use Non-Personal Information for market promotion and development purposes.


3. The Possibility of Personal Information Being Disclosed.

3-A as Personal Information. We do not store Personal Information, so your Personal Information cannot be disclosed by us.

3-B as Non-Personal Information. We will not match non-personal information and personal information (such as numbering your name and your user-specific device).

3-C as No mislead users or not to promotes any hacking or cracking equipment's from the application. A useful application development compliance with google developer & admob policy which does not tempers with any software or services.


4. Users Sharing Your Information.

We can not control the behavior of other users you share your data with. We cannot and will not control the behaviors of other users that you share information with when you use an application, service or website (including online forum), or how such users will use or share such information. We will not be responsible for any behavior or conduct of third party circumventing our security measures.


5. Security.

Summer Peaches LLC is concerned about keeping confidential of your information. We do not collect Personal Information, and we have adopted effective measures to protect your Non-Personal Information so that such information will not be accessed and used without authorization. Please note that although we have taken sufficient security measures to protect your information, there is not an absolute guarantee that we can prevent non-personal information from being accessed or used without authorization.


6. Amendment of This Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to handle, amend, modify or otherwise change this Privacy Policy at any time and at our sole discretion, and if you do not agree to any amendment or modification of this Privacy Policy, you may stop using all of the relevant applications, services and websites. Please note that our employees or agents have no right to change any of our policies.

7. Permission in Application Used By.

7-A as Read phone status and identity

This permission allows APP to recognize an incoming / outgoing call and to switch between the User System interface and call interface or announces / shows the caller name while some one is calling, you will identify it without looking to your smart phone.

7-B as Read your text messages (SMS or MMS)

We do not save or upload your messages. We use this permission to read your text messages when you search messages in search bar or announce the sender name while some one is send you a message, you will identify it without looking to your smart phone.

7-C as Take pictures and videos

This permission allows APP to use your device’s camera to take photos / videos and turn ON/OFF Camera Flash. We do not save or upload your photos/videos.

7-D as Approximate location (network-based)

This permission allows APP to identify and display your location on map or apps installed by anonymous surrounding users and to recommend popular apps based on users’ location. This information is untraceable.

7-E as Read your contacts

APP does not save or upload your contacts. Permission to access contact information is used when you search contacts in APP search bar.

7-F as Read calendar events plus confidential information

This information is used only in the APP to remind you of your latest calendar events. We do not save or upload any of your calendar information.

7-G as Modify or delete the contents of your USB storage

This permission allows APP to delete app data(image, text, audio etc..) stored on their SD card.

7-H as Read the contents of your USB storage

This permission allows APP to view app data(image, text, audio etc..) stored on their SD card.

7-I as Set an alarm

This permission allows users to access the device's alarm through APP clock widget.

7-J as Find accounts on the devices

APP does not recognize or save your account information for any programs. APP only detects whether users have a Google account linked with the device which helps us confirm the state of Google Service and provide users with appropriate application download and update methods.

7-K as Read Google service configuration

This information is used to acquire advertising ID. APP provide users with better advertising service by using such anonymous ID.

7-L as Change network connectivity

This permission is used in APP settings and notification toolbar, in order to change/check network connectivity.

7-M as Connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi

This permission is used in APP settings and notification toolbar in order to connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi.

7-N as Full network access

This permission is used to access the device’s network for certain functions including receiving update notifications or accessing app classification labels.

7-O as View network connections

This permission is used in APP settings and notification toolbar, in order to view network connections.

7-P as View Wi-Fi connections

This permission is used in APP settings and notification toolbar, in order to view Wi-Fi connections.

7-Q as Access Bluetooth settings

This permission is used in APP settings, in order to turn on and off or pair with Bluetooth devices.

7-R as Close other apps

This permission is used in APP Boost in order to turn off the back-end apps and make the phone run faster.

7-S as Retrieve running apps

This permission is used in APP Boost in order to view the running apps.

7-T as Run as startup

APP will run as startup to provide users with a launcher service.

7-U as Draw over other apps

This permission allows the APP Free Swipe tab to be displayed as a floating window on other apps.

7-V as Control vibration

This permission allows APP to make the phone vibrate once after users set the device on vibrate, confirming the setting has been turned on.

7-W as Adjust your wallpaper size

This permission allows users to crop APP wallpaper to the desired size.

7-X as Install shortcuts

This permission is used to install shortcuts on other launchers, so users can continue to use APP related functions.

7-Y as Measure app storage space

This permission is used to acquire the amount of storage space used by an application.

7-Z as Modify system settings

This permission is used in APP settings, in order to switch or adjust ringtone, vibration and brightness level of the screen.

8. Advertisement.

For a better experience while using our Service we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information.

The information that we request is retained on your device and is not collected by me in any way.

The application does use third party services that may collect information used to identify you.

8-A as Google Play Services

8-B as AdMob

8-C as Firebase Analytics

9. Contact Us / Report Violation

If you have any questions or suggestions with respect to this Privacy Policy or our privacy system, or if you want to report any violations of this Privacy Policy or abuse of the application, service or website, please contact us on

10. Conclusion.

When using Summer Peaches LLC Applications, you must read our privacy policy carefully and expressly agree to the terms. This privacy policy is designed to help all users of Summer Peaches LLC services understand how we collect, use, store, protect, and disclose your personal information. By choosing to use the products or services provided by Summer Peaches LLC, you mean that you have read, understood and agreed to our collection, use, storage, protection and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this policy or any part thereof, please do not use or access our products or services.

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